How To Overcome Digestive Gas & Flatulence?
The expulsion of excess air through the intestinal tract, whether you call it experiencing gas, passing wind, farting, or flatulence, is both natural and normal.
So why do people joke about farting? Perhaps it’s because of those embarrassing occasions when the internal horn of the body suddenly plays a little too loudly, causing everyone in the vicinity to notice.
Passing gas happens a lot, maybe between 14 and 23 times every day, and it usually goes unnoticed. It isn’t a serious issue for the majority of folks. But what if you have a problem with it?
“If you have a lot of gas and it’s bothering you, visit a gastroenterologist for an evaluation and recommendations,” says Dr. Samrat Jankar, a gastroenterologist in Pune. “You should have it examined if you can’t take care of it in a socially acceptable manner and it is interfering with your lifestyle.”
He advises that you can take steps to reduce your gas if it is interfering with your everyday activities or giving you discomfort or distress.
You can consult Dr. Samrat Jankar, an experienced gastroenterologist in Pune, for matters related to digestive gas & flatulence. He practices at Symbiosis University Hospital and Research Centre, Lavale, Pune.
Ever wondered why excessive gas is formed?
Merely swallowing air while drinking, eating, or laughing can cause gas to build up in your digestive tract. However, some foods can cause excessive gas, making it more difficult to maintain control over its passage.
Excess gas can build up if your intestines are sluggish, passing food through your gut too slowly. More gas-producing bacteria build up in your system the longer food remains in your system, creating abdominal discomfort.
As you get older, your metabolism slows down, as does the flow of food through your colon. As a result, you produce more gas. Yes, even the gastrointestinal tract slows down with age.
Dr. Samrat Jankar explains that if you have thyroid dysfunction, scleroderma, diabetes, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, or a sedentary lifestyle, you are more likely to have excessive gas build-up.
It is always better to check out the reason for excessive digestive gas and flatulence. You can book an appointment with Dr. Samrat Jankar, a competent gastric doctor in Pune, to rule out other underlying medical issues.
Which foodstuff are more likely to cause gas?
Carbohydrates in food can cause gas, such as:
- Whole grain
- Fruits
- Dairy products
- Vegetables like cabbage,
- broccoli, onion, etc.
- Fruit drink
- Soft drink
What are the symptoms?

You may feel bloated in addition to flatulence and burping. You may also have pain in your stomach or sides. That discomfort could be misinterpreted as appendicitis or heart attack.
How will the doctor diagnose the underlying issue?
As food is the most common cause of gas, your doctor will want to know what you eat and your symptoms. He might ask you to keep track of everything you eat and drink so he can figure out which things give you problems.
You may also be asked to keep track of how frequently you pass gas. You may have to avoid specific food. If lactose intolerance is presumed, you will likely need to reduce your dairy consumption.
In case you have bloating or chronic belching issues, your doctor may perform a physical examination to check whether you swallow a lot of air.
He may also ask you to undergo an X-ray of your oesophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine to rule out other diseases.
What are the treatments for digestive gas and flatulence?
Change your eating habits and learn to swallow less air to alleviate gas symptoms. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can also be beneficial.
By altering your diet, you will eliminate the things that produce gas. Unfortunately, you may eat fewer healthier foods as a result of this.
You can ask your doctor to assist you in developing a nutritious diet that is low in gas. Further, he may prescribe medications to aid in the digestion of food, which may also speed up the passage of gas.
How can you avoid gas build-up?
Dr. Samrat Jankar recommends the following suggestion to minimize the effects of the gas in your system:
- Limit leafy vegetables
- Be active and exercise
- Have fermented food and carbonated drinks at limit
- Do not indulge in dairy products if you are lactose intolerant
- Avoid constipation
Consult Dr. Samrat Jankar, a renowned surgical gastroenterologist in Pune, if you are experiencing digestive gas and flatulence. He treats all gastrointestinal issues, such as ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, IBD, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, hernia, and colon cancer.