Natural Home Remedies to treat stomach gas
One of the most terrifying phobias is passing gas at an inconvenient moment and in front of others. One of the most prevalent and uncomfortable health problems is gas.
A gassy stomach may be a painful condition, even though it is not an illness and is a natural component of the digestive process. Bloating, stomach ache, stomach cramps, and heaviness are all possible side effects.
Dr Samrat Jankar is one of the renowned and best gastroenterologist in Pune. With years of practicing in gastroenterology he is one of the leading gastrointestinal surgeon in Pune. He has been also practicing laparoscopic surgery for years and now one of the renowned face as a laparoscopic surgeon in Pune.
Flatulence is a condition in which gas builds up in the digestive tract as a result of swallowing air when drinking or eating. When the amount of stomach acid is insufficient for digestion, the digestive tract creates excessive intestinal gas, which is a combination of oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen.
Eating hot foods, not digesting food properly, stress, digestive disorders, bacterial infections, and excessive drinking are all causes of gas. Belching, burping, gas, and pain are all symptoms of excessive gas. Here are some natural ways to relieve gas and bloating.
1. Let it all out
Bloating, discomfort, and pain can result from holding in gas. Allowing the gas to escape is the simplest method to avoid unpleasant symptoms.
2. Make a stool pass
Gas can be relieved by having a bowel movement. Gas trapped in the intestines is normally released by passing feces.
3. Take your time when eating
Eating too rapidly or while moving might cause a person to inhale both food and air, resulting in gas discomfort.
Eaters who eat quickly can slow down by chewing each meal 30 times. Breaking down food in this manner promotes digestion and can help avoid a variety of digestive issues, such as bloating and indigestion.
4. Do not chew gum

Chewing gum causes a person to swallow air, which raises the risk of trapped wind and gas discomfort.
Artificial sweeteners are also used in sugarless gum, which can produce bloating and gas.
5. Avoid using straws
When a person drinks with a straw, they frequently swallow air. Depending on the size and form of the bottle, drinking directly from it can have the same effect.
It is recommended to drink from glass to avoid gas discomfort and bloating.
6. Give up smoking
Smoking causes air to enter the digestive tract, whether it is done with regular or electronic cigarettes. Because of the wide range of health problems associated with smoking, quitting is a good idea for a variety of reasons.
7. Stick to non-carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages, such as sparkling water and sodas, cause the stomach to produce a lot of gas. This might result in bloating and discomfort.
8. Get rid of any meals that are causing you problems
Certain meals might cause gas to become trapped. Various foods cause problems for different people.
The meals listed below, on the other hand, commonly cause gas to build up:
- Aspartame, sorbitol, and maltitol are examples of artificial sweeteners.
- Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are examples of cruciferous vegetables.
- Items made from milk
- Supplements and fiber drinks
- Foods that have been fried
- Onions and garlic
- Foods that are rich in fat
- Beans and lentils are examples of legumes.
- Prunes, as well as prune juice
- Spicy Foods
Keeping a food diary can aid in the identification of trigger foods. Artificial sweeteners, for example, may be simple to eliminate from the diet.
Others, such as cruciferous vegetables and legumes, offer a variety of health advantages. Rather than completely avoiding them, a person might attempt limiting their consumption or altering the way they are prepared.
9. Sip some tea
Herbal teas might help with digestion and relieve gas discomfort quickly.
10. Eat fennel seeds as a snack
Fennel is a traditional remedy for trapped wind. A common natural cure is to chew on a teaspoon of the seeds.
However, due to contradictory claims about safety, anybody pregnant or breastfeeding should generally avoid doing so.
People who have persistent or severe gas discomfort should consult a doctor as soon as possible. You an visit Dr. Samrat Jankar one of the leading gastroenterologist in pune , especially if the pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Bleeding in the genital area
- Weight loss that isn’t explained
While trapped gas happens to everyone now and again, persistent discomfort, bloating, and other gastrointestinal symptoms might suggest the existence of a medical condition or dietary intolerance.